How to Access Shared Mailboxes

Add a shared mailbox to Outlook

After your admin has added you as a member of a shared mailbox, close and then restart new Outlook. The shared mailbox should automatically display in your Folder pane.

If you are using the New Outlook, it will appear under Shared with me

What if it didn’t work?

If your admin only recently added you to a shared mailbox, it may take a few minutes before the shared mailbox appears. Wait a bit and then close and restart the new Outlook again. Or, add the shared box manually.

  1. Select Mail from the navigation pane in new Outlook.
  2. In the Folder pane, right-click your account name, and select Add shared folder or mailbox.Screenshot showing selection to Add shared folder or mailbox
  3. In the Add shared folder or mailbox window, type the name of the mailbox you want to access, for example, You can add the shared mailbox at any time, but before you can start using it, your IT admin must add you as a member.

Open the shared mailbox in Outlook Web App

Use this method if you want to view and manage the email for the shared mailbox in its own browser window. This method also lets you receive notifications of new items in the Inbox of the shared mailbox.

  1. Sign in to your account in the Outlook web app
  2. On the Outlook web app click your profile picture up the top right (a menu will appear)
  3. Click Open another mailbox.
  4. Type the email address of the other mailbox that you want to open, and then click Open. Another Outlook on the web session opens in a separate window, allowing access to the other mailbox.

Add the shared mailbox so it displays under your primary mailbox in Outlook Web App

If you want to monitor the email from your primary mailbox and the shared mailbox at the same time, use this method. After you complete this task, the shared mailbox and its folders are displayed in the left navigation pane each time you open Outlook on the web.

  1. Sign in to your account in Outlook on the web.
  2. For Exchange Online mailboxes, right-click Folders in the left navigation pane, and then choose Add shared folder or mailbox. For Exchange on-premises mailboxes, right-click the name of your primary mailbox (such as Molly Dempsey) in the left navigation pane, and then choose Add shared folder or mailbox.Screenshot showing selection to Add shared folder or mailbox
  3. In the Add shared folder dialogue box, type the name of the shared mailbox you are a member of, such as

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